Same Day Surgery featuring VISIONAIRE™ Cutting Guides and the JOURNEY II Total Knee System
Published: October 23, 2014
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Same Day Surgery featuring VISIONAIRE™ Cutting Guides and the JOURNEY II Total Knee System
Watch a surgical webcasts on Same Day Surgery featuring VISIONAIRE™ Cutting Guides and the JOURNEY II Total Knee System.
VISIONAIRE™ Technology - Benefits of Plan
Dr. Chow explains the benefits of having a plan when it comes to using Visionaire™ Technology.
VISIONAIRE™ Technology - Design Features
Dr. Chow shares the design features of Visionaire™ Technology.
VISIONAIRE™ Technology - Cutting Blocks
Dr. Chow shares the key features of the cutting blocks for Visioniare™ Technology.
VISIONAIRE™ Technology - Advances in Technology
Dr. Chow shares the advances in Visionaire™ Technology.
JOURNEY™ II Cruciate Retaining (CR) Knee System with VISIONAIRE™ Cutting Blocks
Watch a LIVE surgical webcast featuring the Smith & Nephew JOURNEY™ II Cruciate Retaining (CR) Knee System with VISIONAIRE™ Cutting Blocks.
PHYSIOLOGICAL MATCHING* Technology...from the Eyes of the Surgeon
Surgeons share their experiences with PHYSIOLOGICAL MATCHING* Technology.
Smith & Nephew Technologies: VISIONAIRE™ Patient Matched Instruments and LEGION™ Total Knee System
Joshua Hickman, MD will demonstrate the LEGION Total knee system with VISIONAIRE Patient Matched Instrumentation and show how he achieves efficiency and accuracy in the OR, while Dr. Jim Bresch moderates the procedure.
LEGION™ Total Knee System with VISIONAIRE™ Patient Matched Instrumentation
Kenneth Cherry, MD will demonstrate his approach to address efficiency in the OR by utilizing the LEGION Total Knee System in conjunction with VISIONAIRE Patient Matched Instrumentation while Dr. Steven Haas, from the Hospital for Special Surgery in New Y